

In order to extend the life of the safety net and its accessories, and to preserve its properties, follow these recommendations:

• The nets must be stored in a dry place.

• The nets should neither be stored near heated places nor where welding jobs are being done.

• Someone must supervise that the nets are not in contact with aggressive substances or substances that could damage it.

• The nets must be protected from direct and continuous sunlight.

• It is recommended not removing the net from its bag until the moment of use.


For the correct maintenance of the net it will be necessary to make visual inspections on the net, including meshes and the ropes that form the element of protection.

In case of finding any Abnormalities or manufacture defects, we recommend you contacting the manufacturer to advise you; this will guarantee a correct maintenance of the net.

In this section, and as one of the most important things in this manual, you can find the revisions and quality controls. Every safety net has to have its label and test ropes, which will facilitate to the manufacturer the right conditions to perform an analysis on the net and prove that the net still has the necessary properties that enables it to be used again.

Safety net inspection

During the time of use of the net, a series of periodical inspections must be completed with the purpose of detecting any manufacture defects that could affect the correct use of the net, including:

• Mesh of net damaged or unraveled.

• Border rope damaged or unraveled.

• The joining of the border rope to the anchorage points.

• The nets joining.

• The state of other elements also used with the net like cables, tensors, and carabineers. Aport from these inspections, the following aspects will also be taken in to account:

• The net must be free of sharp and abrasive objects (grease, wood, concret, plastic, nails, or other objects that could damage the net).

• When a breakage occurs in the mesh that composes the net, this must be dismantled and replaced or in its defect new netting cloth will be placed and sewn over the damaged area.

• The inspection and replacement of nets on construction site must be done by professional and highly professional. • A safety net that has prevented the fall of a person or object will be able to be used again after being checked by competent personnel. If you have any questions about the inspection of the nets, contact your supplier or manufacturer for professional advice.


The replacement of the net has to be done at the moment when the deterioration of the same occurs. This damage can be caused by different factors that affect the net during its use mentioned on the previous point or by the ageing and the degradation caused by the net exposure to sunlight.

In order to determine the degree of deterioration suffered by the net, tests are made on the test ropes and test meshes. After a year from manufacturing date, indicated on the label on the net, will proceed to sending the test rope named as “Test rope no 1” to the net manufacturer to perform tests on the rope/s. If the mesh rope ́s breaking strength is equal or greater than the one marked on the label, the net will be ready to be used during one more year. Following the same steps, will proceed again when the second year of use is completed, sending “Test rope no 2” to perform testing.

This means that the replacement of the safety nets will be completed when:

a) After having withstand the fall of a person or a heavy object and when the net inspection done by competent personnel advises to do so.

b) After making the tests on the test ropes, the result is not the appropriate.

The characteristic regulation AENOR & AIDICO, establishes that a net certified under its normative has a year of expiration.


All of our nets have identifying seals and labels which appears, in addition to the regulations regarding mechanical characteristics of the net, the manufacturing date and the date indicating when next test is due.

Once the net reaches the date indicated on the label as NEXT TEST, you must remove the WITNESS MESH, to which different test are performed to verify the possible loss of strength caused by uses and environment.

If the witness rope passes satisfactorily the test, the net to which it belongs will be able to be used for another year by obtaining the RENEWABLE LABEL.

Optional: seals with bar code

In our commitment to improve our service and facilitate your work, we have developed a new SYSTEM OF DIGITAL IDENTIFICATION for the nets, thanks to which you will be able to know the location and exact instalation of each of your nets in every moment.

Finishing and accessories

Acabado 1

Red al rombo con orillado manual

Acabado 2

Red al cuadro

Acabado 3

Red al cuadro con guardacabo en Gaza

Acabado 4

Red al cuadro con red anticascotes

Acabado 5

Red al cuadro con mosquitera

Acabado 6

Red al cuadro

Acabado 7

Red al cuadro con mosquitera

Acabado 8

Red al cuadro a soporte

Acabado 9

Red al cuadro cierre Toogle

Acabado 10

Red al cuadro a soporte con GSV

Acabado 11

Red al cuadro a Rodapié

Rope maintenance and advice

Rope rolls and bobines extraction

Remove correctly the rope from spools and rolls to make sure it comes out correctly and it doesn ́t bend or twist. If the rope is in a roll it should be removed from the interior, if it comes from a spool it should be retired by placing and axe in the interior and pulling from the rope making it turn. This method will avoid its twisting or bending.


Protect ropes during its use check out pullies or any turning or rotational material that comes in contact with the ropes, make sure they are free of cutting edges, oxides and that they can rotate properly. Ropes will be seriously damaged if they come in contact with rough surfaces or cutting edges. Pullies must have the proper size so that it can adjust to the ropes diameter perfectly, in order no to make twists or friction, that can damage the rope.

Storage and care of the rope

In order to make longer the useful life or cordage and be able to keep the guarantees of its characteristics, indications from the manufacturer must be followed. Ropes must be kept in a clean and dry place, out of direct sunlight projection and away from extreme conditions. Placed separated from the floor to permit its ventilation. Never store in dirt floor such as concret or ground, neither close to acid or alkalis. Direct exposure to sunlight will weakness synthetic fibers. Humidity produces fungus that weakens natural fibers such as Sisal or Hemp. If ropes get wet or dirty during their use they must be cleaned up and dry before their storage. Synthetic fiber ropes must be done with medium temperature water and neutral soap. Always avoid using chemical products. Discoloration and fraying of the surface indicates us that the product is deteriorated because of its use. You can contact our technical department, who will help you in case of any doubt.


Every synthetic rope under load will retrocede, if an accessory such as a chain, hook, bolt or hooking ball would fail. When ropes are in tension we must take precautions and keep away from them to avoid accidents in case of suffering these failures.

Throw out a rope

Una cuerda se debe desechar cuando:

• Este deteriorada, presente cortes o deshilachado.

• Su envejecimiento sea evidente.

• Presente rigideces.

• Tenga deformaciones permanentes en su estructura.

• Presente quemaduras.

• Ha entrado en contacto con productos químicos que provoquen su deterioró.

• La cuerda a trabajado ha temperaturas altas superiores a 60 o de forma prolongada.

• Ha soportado cargas dinámicas repetidas próximas a su carga de rotura.

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